Reinier Russell

managing partner

Reinier adviseert nationale en internationale bedrijven
+31 20 301 55 55

Jan Dop


Jan is advocaat arbeidsrecht en ondernemingsrecht
+31 20 301 55 55

Russell Advocaten aanbevolen door The Legal 500 2021

Publicatiedatum 20 april 2021

Russell Advocaten staat ook in 2021 in The Legal 500, hét overzicht van toonaangevende advocatenkantoren wereldwijd. Dat is al voor het 17e jaar op rij. Dit jaar worden wij speciaal aanbevolen in de categorieën:

  • Employment
  • Real estate
  • Dispute resolution: Commercial litigation
  • Industry focus: retail

Dit is een erkenning voor de kwaliteit van onze juridische dienstverlening, waar wij erg blij mee zijn. Vooral omdat niet alleen deskundige onderzoekers, maar ook onze cliënten hierin een belangrijke stem hebben. Hieronder kunt u lezen waarom de Legal 500 en onze cliënten de expertise en service van Russell Advocaten zo hoog waarderen:


Russell Advocaten B.V. distinguishes itself advising foreign authorities, embassies and consulates in the Netherlands on employment issues through its special embassy desk. The firm is also adept at handling employment issues for boards of directors, supervisory boards and individual directors. Team head Jan Dop is noted for his experience of the corporate and real estate arenas.


‘We appreciate the lawyers due to their in-depth knowledge of Dutch labour regulations’.

‘Fast and efficient communication’.

‘We highly appreciate the professional approach and communication with Mr. Jan Dop’.

‘No-nonsense, to-the-point advice’.

‘Transparent and of outstanding quality’.

‘Accessible partners and overall very good knowledge of the subjects at hand’.

‘They can also rely on a huge network in many areas’

‘Partners and associates alike are really up to the task with in-depth knowledge of the various cases presented’.

Real estate

Independent Dutch firm Russell Advocaten B.V. is noted for its focus advising retail clients on leasing, corporate, litigation and employment matters. It is an active member of Primerus, a global network of independent law firms. Clients include international brands, embassies and corporates. Reinier W.L. Russell and Jan Dop head the team.


‘Russell Advocaten is very reactive, you never have to wait for an answer or for assistance’.

‘Unbelievable for a structure that is not super-big’.        

‘Russell advocaten is very innovative in their communication and the service they offer’.

‘They are very active on social media, with very useful content’.

‘The way they specialise in the day-to-day needs of companies; the way they understand these needs and offer solutions for these needs, is very impressive’.      

‘Reinier Russell is a very solution-minded and direct professional’.

‘You always know where you stand with Reinier Russell and he gives you a great understanding of the value of your case’.

Dispute resolution: Commercial litigation

Although best known for its art-related litigation practice where it handles multimillion-euro disputes, Russell Advocaten B.V. advises on business disputes across a range of other sectors, including IT/data handling, fashion and luxury goods and retail. Another niche area of expertise is advice to Embassies. With many years’ experience, Paul Russell is an ‘outstanding professional’.


‘No nonsense, to-the-point advice, transparent and of outstanding quality. Accessible partners, overall very good knowledge of the subjects at hand. They can also rely on a huge network in many areas.

‘Partners and associates alike are really up to their task with in-depth knowledge of the various cases presented, they can rely on specific expert knowledge in many areas. They are true professionals who work very efficiently, not losing hours on end grasping the detail of specific cases because of lack of knowledge. They truly understand the matters at hand based on their expertise and as such, provide professional support and advice.’

‘The team has a great work capacity, managing a large number of judicial proceedings diligently and cost-efficiently. ’

‘Russell Advocaten is the best legal partner for art business. Always a pleasure to work together with Paul and his colleagues. ’

‘Paul Russell is an expert both in art law as in art itself. He is an outstanding professional. ’

‘A dedicated team that delivers.’

‘Very good at keeping their calm when needed.’

Industry focus: retail

Russell Advocaten B.V. advises a number of large international brands on corporate, real estate, employment and day-to-day matters. As a member of Primerus, a global network of independent law firms, it is well placed to handle international mandates. The team is headed by Reinier W.L. Russell and Jan Dop.

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