Jan Dop


Jan is a specialist in employment law and corporate law

+31 20 301 55 55

Paul Russell

senior partner

Paul is a highly experienced, creative and tenacious litigator

+31 20 301 55 55

Investigation of facts by a lawyer

Publication date 17 September 2020

Taking steps in the event of irregularities or a #MeToo-related issue in your company? Make sure all facts are disclosed by means of a thorough investigation of the facts!

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Do you suspect that a manager of your company leaks sensitive information? Has a director represented the company without the required authorisation which resulted in damage? Does an employee structurally violate the staff rules or is there suspicion of sexual harassment? In this event you are likely to take (legal) steps.

Our advice?

Before taking steps have an investigation of the facts carried out!

Investigation of the facts

Whether it concerns a violation of staff rules, a work accident, maladministration, an integrity concern, fraud, a liability matter or a shareholders dispute, it is important that all relevant facts are disclosed. Even with regard to a sensitive subject such as sexual harassment, where the facts are often difficult to discover. It is the only way sensible decisions can be taken.

Especially before legal proceedings will be started or measures will be taken, you should be able to determine your legal position in the best possible way. To this end, an objective investigation of the facts and a discreet (external) specialist are required. It is advisable to engage a lawyer for this.

Why engage a lawyer?

  • Lawyers know which facts are legally relevant.
  • Lawyers have experience when it comes to different investigation techniques: hearing of witnesses, reviewing files, collecting documents.
  • Lawyers can assess the feasibility and effectivity of follow-up actions after the investigation.
  • Lawyers can cooperate or establish contacts with other specialists necessary.
  • You can expect discretion from lawyers as they have a professional confidentiality obligation. Lawyers have experience regarding extensive investigations. After all, they have to disclose, thoroughly assess and present all facts in order to conduct legal proceedings and provide advice.

What can we do for you?

The lawyers at Russell Advocaten are experienced in fact finding exercises and have the expertise necessary to determine the relevant facts in each situation. We will gladly help you with fact investigations. Please contact:

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